When the whole world celebrated the coming of a New Year... One place remained silent.
When the whole world enjoyed the fireworks and lights... One place remained in the dark.
When the whole world was happy and laughed... Some people cried and remained sad.
Some of you must have guessed already. Yes. Delhi remained silent, remained in the dark and cried. Wept for the girl who became the victim of extreme cruelty. I am sure, all of you would have heard of that girl. She was a 23 year old girl. She was raped in a moving bus by 6 men. It's unbelievable how inhumane people can get!! She battled for her life for 13 days. She was sent to a hospital in Singapore for better treatment. She wanted to live... But she lost the battle.
I was totally devastated after hearing the news, even though I did not show it out. I let my feelings stay inside me. But maybe no. I should let it out. I have been watching many talk shows about this incident and many said they wanted these rapists to be hanged. Well, I say no. They shouldn't be hanged. They should be made to suffer. Suffer so much that they should wish to die. But, they shouldn't die. They should live with the regret for doing such a cruel thing, behind the bars for the rest of their lives.
I have always loved my country and always wanted to work for my country and live in my country after I get a job. But after hearing this news, I feel like I will be deliberately pushing myself into danger. I hate to say that, but that is the truth.
What I am thinking is, why not make the laws more strict..? I used to think, why in Saudi Arabia, they have very strict laws... Now, if someone asks me that, I would say, cause they knew the consequences if the case was otherwise. Did it cost a life for people to finally raise their voices? This is not the first time it's happening in India. There has been a hundred cases similar to this (but not as cruel). Isn't it just too late now..? But I am glad people raised their voices now... it can save many lives, at least that's was I hope and wish.
What I have noticed is, long back, there was an incident similar to this, but people were around, but people just watched what was happening to that girl. It's shameful, but it's true. Here is something I heard, and I totally agree to it : "The day people starts to react and act, things will change.". The attitude of people should change. When one sees things happening that are unacceptable in the society, of course, no one would encourage it... but no one will go and stop it. Maybe because they are scared. But you take a step forward, and people will follow you. Keep it in mind. Otherwise, what do they mean by saying "Be the change you want to see in the world"...? In the Indian Pledge, we say "All Indians are my brothers and sisters". Would you let you sisters to go through atrocities like this..? Won't you go protect her?
And girls, all around the world, should be taught to protect themselves. Of course, not all can go for Karate classes... but carrying a pepper spray with you, or knowing some kind of defense moves can save you. And I have read in many places, that if someone comes to attack you, scream! Scream on the peak of your voice... that helps too.
Here is a Malayalam Poem I came across in one of those TV shows. Its presumed that it is written by Mundur Ravunni. Mundur Ravunni is one of my close relatives. He was a person who fought against social injustices and inequalities. He was a very brave person.
There has been a lot of Protest going on, in Delhi. Many women and men together protesting for women's safety. Even when strikes and protests are going on, similar cases keeps on piling up. How come men lost their fear and their respect towards women? It's time they stopped demanding for women and girls. People like this should be entirely deleted from this world. That is the final solution I can find. And when girls fight for women empowerment, they are in danger. In danger if being killed. The recent case, is of this girl of my age, named Malala. She fought for Education rights for Women, through her blog, and she was shot in the head. She is very lucky she survived. Let's hope, no one is next on the list.
There has been developments in the field of rights of women in India. True. Like, demolition of Sati System and bringing women in the politics field. But, when can a girl, walk alone feeling free and safe at anytime through the streets of India..?
All women is asking for, is the same rights of men. All women is asking for, is her being able to walk through the streets feeling safe and be safe. All women is asking for, is justice. Let the story of this girl, India's Daughter, be a lesson for everyone. All I can do is pray for the soul of this girl. She will live forever on our hearts. I haven't seen her, I don't know her... But I feel she is there, out somewhere... watching all this happening.
And asking "Where is Justice?"
When the whole world enjoyed the fireworks and lights... One place remained in the dark.
When the whole world was happy and laughed... Some people cried and remained sad.
Some of you must have guessed already. Yes. Delhi remained silent, remained in the dark and cried. Wept for the girl who became the victim of extreme cruelty. I am sure, all of you would have heard of that girl. She was a 23 year old girl. She was raped in a moving bus by 6 men. It's unbelievable how inhumane people can get!! She battled for her life for 13 days. She was sent to a hospital in Singapore for better treatment. She wanted to live... But she lost the battle.
I was totally devastated after hearing the news, even though I did not show it out. I let my feelings stay inside me. But maybe no. I should let it out. I have been watching many talk shows about this incident and many said they wanted these rapists to be hanged. Well, I say no. They shouldn't be hanged. They should be made to suffer. Suffer so much that they should wish to die. But, they shouldn't die. They should live with the regret for doing such a cruel thing, behind the bars for the rest of their lives.
I have always loved my country and always wanted to work for my country and live in my country after I get a job. But after hearing this news, I feel like I will be deliberately pushing myself into danger. I hate to say that, but that is the truth.
What I am thinking is, why not make the laws more strict..? I used to think, why in Saudi Arabia, they have very strict laws... Now, if someone asks me that, I would say, cause they knew the consequences if the case was otherwise. Did it cost a life for people to finally raise their voices? This is not the first time it's happening in India. There has been a hundred cases similar to this (but not as cruel). Isn't it just too late now..? But I am glad people raised their voices now... it can save many lives, at least that's was I hope and wish.
What I have noticed is, long back, there was an incident similar to this, but people were around, but people just watched what was happening to that girl. It's shameful, but it's true. Here is something I heard, and I totally agree to it : "The day people starts to react and act, things will change.". The attitude of people should change. When one sees things happening that are unacceptable in the society, of course, no one would encourage it... but no one will go and stop it. Maybe because they are scared. But you take a step forward, and people will follow you. Keep it in mind. Otherwise, what do they mean by saying "Be the change you want to see in the world"...? In the Indian Pledge, we say "All Indians are my brothers and sisters". Would you let you sisters to go through atrocities like this..? Won't you go protect her?
And girls, all around the world, should be taught to protect themselves. Of course, not all can go for Karate classes... but carrying a pepper spray with you, or knowing some kind of defense moves can save you. And I have read in many places, that if someone comes to attack you, scream! Scream on the peak of your voice... that helps too.
Here is a Malayalam Poem I came across in one of those TV shows. Its presumed that it is written by Mundur Ravunni. Mundur Ravunni is one of my close relatives. He was a person who fought against social injustices and inequalities. He was a very brave person.
കൈ കെട്ടി നില്ക്കുക ഭരണപ്രമത്തതെ
മേയട്ടെ രാക്ഷസക്കൂട്ടങ്ങള് പിന്നേയും
പെണ്മക്കളൊക്കെ നശിക്കട്ടവരുടെ
മാനം കവര്ന്നാലും
പ്രാണന് തുലഞ്ഞാലും
കാണല്ലെ, കേള്ക്കല്ലേ , കൈവിരല് ചൂണ്ടല്ലെ
ഇളകാതിരിക്കുക സിംഹാസനങ്ങളില്
If I translate it straight away, you won't understand. So let me explain it to you. The concept of the poem is actually criticizing the people on power. And their passiveness even after repeated atrocities against women . In Malayalam, its a well written poem showing the strong criticism.

There has been developments in the field of rights of women in India. True. Like, demolition of Sati System and bringing women in the politics field. But, when can a girl, walk alone feeling free and safe at anytime through the streets of India..?
All women is asking for, is the same rights of men. All women is asking for, is her being able to walk through the streets feeling safe and be safe. All women is asking for, is justice. Let the story of this girl, India's Daughter, be a lesson for everyone. All I can do is pray for the soul of this girl. She will live forever on our hearts. I haven't seen her, I don't know her... But I feel she is there, out somewhere... watching all this happening.
And asking "Where is Justice?"
Very touching Malavika.....
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good job.......
I totally agree wid u, they shudn't b hanged, they shud b made 2 suffer until they wish 2 die.............