
Friday, January 25, 2013

Just love and care for her...

There is only one special 'person' in this world, who gives everything she has to everyone and does not expect anything back. And she is the one who deserves all the care and love. Though, very few people love and care for her. If you think it's your Mom, you are right. But she's not only your Mom, she is our Mom. A little confused, are you? We all have a common Mom. I mean, our Mother Nature/Mother Earth.

If Earth wasn't existing, we wouldn't be existing. Nature gives us everything we need. But we still continue to kill her day by day. Look around you. Look at the pollution around you. Everyone, from a primary school student to a President of country knows, that we shouldn't cut trees, we shouldn't waste water, we should reduce the usage of plastic. Everyone knows the 3 R's. But only 3 out of 10 people practice what they preach. And their mere presence cannot change the environmental issues of this world. Think about how much Earth gives us. It's the reason why we survive. But, you are just taking advantages of it. Cutting down forests and building Malls in place of it. As if Malls can give us fresh air, water and bring rain.
I understand. Even I enjoy all this developments. But, we should learn to compensate. No, there is no blame from my side to the government. I blame those people out there, with very little minds.
Government is doing what they can (but I would appreciate if they could take more initiative), like Natural Parks, Botanical Gardens etc...

Everyday, I come across people who waste water and tear up papers and throw them away as if papers are the reason for all the problems in their life. It's pathetic..! Trees go through pain when they are being cut down. No, it ain't funny. It's true. If you don't believe me, you should research about it. You will see what I said is true. I do the little I can to not waste too much water. Some times, in the rest rooms of some malls, I see ladies, turn the water tap on and talk over the phone. Little do they realize that there will be one day in their lives when they cannot find even a drop a fresh water to drink.
I do the little I can by recycling used papers. I take the papers to my school and put them in the recycling bin we have. And my schoolmates make  funny comments on me for that. And I say in my mind, that one day they will remember me for my actions. I know that what I am doing is a good thing. So, I will just continue it.

I told Papa about this. He said environmentalists go through a lot of rejection. Society thinks environmentalists has 'lost their marbles'. But if you ask me, Society has lost their marbles.

I could write a lot more, but that would make the post boring for some. I will save all that for another post.

And remember, No body will blame you for global warming, except for your kids. At least, for your kids, do something to save our earth from danger. For the pain we put our Mother Nature into, natural disasters are nothing.

I guess your carefree attitude towards Earth changed at least after taking a look at the posters.

1 comment:

  1. Malvika,
    Your style of writing has improved a lot and i consider this as one of your best posts.Hope people can get inspired from this.As a friend i'm really proud of this.
    Love You
