I am not fully recovered from Chicken Pox. But I am almost there!
Maybe 3 or 4 days more. But I feel normal. I guess I will be dusting my books today after more than 10 days. Trust me... those days when I was sick feels like heaven. Because, I had nothing to do. Just lie down in my bed and read. No chores. I kind of miss it. Anyone would.
It reminds me of a comic story I read. It was in a 'Betty and Veronica' book. Betty broke her leg and even she feels the same after she recovers from it. She has to run many errands for her Mom. She has to clean up her room... Lots of chores.
But, yeah, every good thing has an end.
I have these marks in my face after the poxes dried. But unlike the 'Pimple-conscious' teenage girls, I went out to a Mall yesterday. Oh yes, I did! Actually, I am in the starting stages of being a pimple-conscious girl and I didn't want to 'show-off' my marks. But I forced myself. Because, we were planning to go for a movie.
So, yesterday night, I saw the movie 'Life of Pi'.
I am kind of confused after the movie, actually. That is because, I found two endings for the movie. One, what I thought that happened and another, what Papa said that happened.
The movie is of this Indian boy, who is following 3 religions, named Piscine Patel. He changes his name to Pi because his school mates make fun of his name and call him 'Pissing Patel'. LOL!
He is named after a French swimming pool, you see. His family has to move to Canada because of some government issues and they set of to Canada in a Japanese boat. The boat sinks due to a storm. But Pi survives and he is isolated in the middle of an ocean, in the deepest point of earth in a small boat with a Zebra, a Orangutan, a Hyena and a Bengali tiger named Richard Parker. The hyena, zebra and the orangutan dies. And only Richard Parker and Pi lives. Then its full of adventure, starvation, fantasy.
I feel, there is a lot of fantasy... thing you can't believe. I mean what do you think of a carnivorous island and water that turns acidic during the night. And sparkling whale?!
But the movie is good. The animation and stuff, its cool. This is the second movie that made me scream in the theater. Yeah... I screamed when the tiger jumped to the screen. The first time I screamed was when a snake jumped onto the screen in the movie Harry Potter- Deathly Hallows.
I am looking forward in reading the book of Pi. I did read from another blog, of a tween, that the book is really inspirational. She has written a lot about the book, including a poem from the book. I guess its worth reading. You could also give it a try!
Maybe 3 or 4 days more. But I feel normal. I guess I will be dusting my books today after more than 10 days. Trust me... those days when I was sick feels like heaven. Because, I had nothing to do. Just lie down in my bed and read. No chores. I kind of miss it. Anyone would.
It reminds me of a comic story I read. It was in a 'Betty and Veronica' book. Betty broke her leg and even she feels the same after she recovers from it. She has to run many errands for her Mom. She has to clean up her room... Lots of chores.
But, yeah, every good thing has an end.
I have these marks in my face after the poxes dried. But unlike the 'Pimple-conscious' teenage girls, I went out to a Mall yesterday. Oh yes, I did! Actually, I am in the starting stages of being a pimple-conscious girl and I didn't want to 'show-off' my marks. But I forced myself. Because, we were planning to go for a movie.
So, yesterday night, I saw the movie 'Life of Pi'.

The movie is of this Indian boy, who is following 3 religions, named Piscine Patel. He changes his name to Pi because his school mates make fun of his name and call him 'Pissing Patel'. LOL!
He is named after a French swimming pool, you see. His family has to move to Canada because of some government issues and they set of to Canada in a Japanese boat. The boat sinks due to a storm. But Pi survives and he is isolated in the middle of an ocean, in the deepest point of earth in a small boat with a Zebra, a Orangutan, a Hyena and a Bengali tiger named Richard Parker. The hyena, zebra and the orangutan dies. And only Richard Parker and Pi lives. Then its full of adventure, starvation, fantasy.
I feel, there is a lot of fantasy... thing you can't believe. I mean what do you think of a carnivorous island and water that turns acidic during the night. And sparkling whale?!
But the movie is good. The animation and stuff, its cool. This is the second movie that made me scream in the theater. Yeah... I screamed when the tiger jumped to the screen. The first time I screamed was when a snake jumped onto the screen in the movie Harry Potter- Deathly Hallows.
I am looking forward in reading the book of Pi. I did read from another blog, of a tween, that the book is really inspirational. She has written a lot about the book, including a poem from the book. I guess its worth reading. You could also give it a try!
i read da book... itz awesome..! actually i borrowed it frm my cousin sis.... itz worth readin.. u guyz shud read 2... nd maalu get well soon.. nd maybe u cn take a pic of ur face nd post it..? =P heheheheh.. juz kiddin.. anywayz pep up 4 next thurs.... dnt b 2 much active.. u shud still tke rest ok..? luv, maryam